Dark Under Eye Circles

Dark under eye circles
• Dermal fillers
• Mesotherapy
• Eye serums
What causes dark under eye circles?
Dark under eye circles can have a variety of causes. The area under the eye may be dark due to darkened skin, capillaries near the surface of the skin or secondary to hollowness or shadows from eye bags or puffiness. The type of dark circles you have and the causes will help you and your practitioner decide on which course of treatment will help improve the area.
• Lack of sleep - a common cause of dark under eyes circles. You will often find that when you are particularly tired, these dark circles become worse. More sleep and positive lifestyle changes such as reduced salt and increased water intake can have a noticeable affect. Use a medical grade eye serum to enhance results
• Genetics - sometimes dark circles or eye bags are inherited and part of our genetic makeup, these traits can be determine with a family history or dark circles or if the problem existed since childhood
• Medical causes - some medical conditions such as anaemia or thyroid disease can cause dark under eye circles to appear or become worse
• Loss of volume in the face - the under eye area is connected to the cheks, which provide a great deal of support. When you lose volume in the cheeks, this structure is compromised and often makes hollowness under the eye worse. Dermal filler can be placed in the cheek or tear trough (under eye region) and is a great option for those suitable
• Ageing - as we age, our faces change as part of the natural ageing process. A decreasing amount of collagen and elastin within the skin can lead to dark circles or loose skin around the eyes. An eye serum in combination with an aesthetic treatment usually provides best results
• Broken capillaries under the skin - large vessels superficial under the skin can make the under eye appear discoloured. Specialised laser treatments or mesotherapy are recommended for these particular cases
How can dark under eye circles be treated?
At Coral Aesthetics we have a variety of treatments to treat dark under eye circles. The treatment that you have may depend on your preference, your medical history and suitability. A consultation with a medical professional is best to advise you accordingly. Here are the options below for you to explore further:

Not sure which treatment will get you the best results? Why not book in for a free video or face to face consultation with Nurse Coral to discuss the options available to you today